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Zeekers SummerStage 2024
K-Wave Festa 韓流夏日祭





Notice for a reservation:



Please read the instructions carefully. By making the reservation, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below and will abide by the following arrangements.



1. 學員先於Zeekers Danz網站報名留位。

- Participant FIRST registers and reserves on the Zeekers Danz website.



2. 網上完成報名後,系統會發出確認電郵。如在註明的時限內沒有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到郵件,請即時透過 WhatsApp/Signal 聯繫。

- After the reservation is completed, the system will automatically issue a notification email. If you do not receive an email in your inbox or spam, please contact us via WhatsApp/Signal immediately.



3. Showcase 設有人數有限,先到先得。

The showcase has limited spots, so it is first come, first served.



4a. 學員須在留位後3天內繳交Showcase課程全額,全額付款後會確認成功報名Showcase。如學員未能於限定時間內全額付款,報名留位資格將被取消。

- The full payment of the Showcase course MUST be successful within 3 days after reservation. Confirm that the spot has been reserved after full payment. The reservation will be cancelled unless the participant fails to make the full payment within the time limit.


 4b. 21/4/2024或之前完成繳費報班可享早鳥優惠可享有Early Bird早鳥優惠

 - Register and make full payment on or before 21/4/2024 to enjoy an Early Bird discount


5. 我們接受以下付款方式:

- We accept the following payment methods:


親臨Zeekers Danz Studio

- Visit Zeekers Danz Studio

.Cash 現金 

.Credit Card(Visa/Master) 信用卡

.Alipay 支付寶
.WeChat 微信支付

.Octopus 八達通



 - Online bank transfer

.自動櫃員機/網上銀行轉帳 ATM 

.恒生銀行戶口號碼 Hang Seng Bank account number: 210 222709 883

.公司名稱 Company Name: Zeekers Danz Production

.FPS 轉數快編碼:3673407

.FPS Email:


.PayMe Link:


為了加快完成交易, PayMe轉帳後請備註電話 / 會員編號

- To speed up the transaction, please note the phone number/membership number after the PayMe transfer.



6. 請填妥確認電郵中的Google Form雲端表格,並上載付款記錄。

 Google Form雲端表格按此提交:

- Please fill out the Google Form in the confirmation email and upload the payment record.



7. 如學員為全日制學生,必須上載學生證件 (清楚顯示姓名,相片及有效日期) 方可享有學生優惠。

 - If you are a FULL-TIME STUDENT, please upload your student ID (your name, photo, and valid date must show clearly) to enjoy the student discount.



8. 必須上載網上付款記錄或截圖之證明,證明上必須清楚顯示銀行戶口號碼以及持有人名稱。

- The online payment record, Bank-in receipt, or screenshot MUST be provided. The Bank Account Number & Bank Account Holder's Name MUST BE shown on your receipt.



9. Showcase 課程只可上指定隊伍老師之課堂。

The showcase package can only be used in the assigned tutor's lesson.



10. 學生需出席率達8成以上及老師同意下才能參與表演。

- Participants must attend at least 80% of the course and with the tutor's approval to participate in the showcase.



11a. Regular / Collaboration Showcase 課程為7堂。包括排演及練習,詳情請向Zeekers或各隊老師查詢。

- Each Regular/Collaboration Showcase course included 7 lessons, including classes, practice & rehearsal. For more details, please check with Zeekers or the tutor of each team.


 11b. Zeekers Junior Showcase 課程為8堂。包括排演及練習,詳情請向Zeekers或各隊老師查詢。

 - Each Zeekers Junior Showcase course included 8 lessons, including classes, practice & rehearsal. For more details, please check with Zeekers or the tutor of each team.


12. 每隊均有機會額外排練,詳情請向各隊老師查詢。

- Extra rehearsals might be required. Please check with your tutor.



13. Showcase 課程費用並不包括表演服裝費用及額外排演租場費用。

- The showcase package does not include the costume fee or additional rehearsal rental fees.



14. Showcase 課程不可轉讓、共享或退款。已繳付之費用一律不作退款。

- Showcase packages cannot be transferred, shared, or refunded. The payment will not be refunded.



15a. 如上課當日懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告訊號,舞蹈館將會暫停開放。如於上課前兩小時,所有颱風或暴雨警告訊號除下,課堂會如常進行。如八號颱風或黑色暴雨於課堂時段中懸掛,課堂亦會如常進行。

- If typhoon signals No. 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted on the day of class, the studio will be temporarily closed. If all typhoon or rainstorm warning signals are cancelled 2 hours before class, the class will remain normal. If typhoon signals No. 8 or a black rainstorm is hoisted during class, the class will continue as usual.


15b. 如表演當日懸掛3號或以上風球或紅色暴雨警告訊號,活動將會延期或取消

- In case of Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above or a Red Rainstorm Warning on the show day, the event will be postponed or cancelled.



16. Zeekers Danz 將因應大會及場地安排作最新活動調整,參加者均需配合安排。

- Zeekers Danz will adjust the latest activity according to the conference and venue arrangements. Participants are required to cooperate with the arrangements.



17. Zeekers Danz 保留一切安排的最終決定權。

- Zeekers Danz reserves the right to decide on all arrangements.



18. 所有優惠受條款及細則約束如有任何爭議 Zeekers Danz 保留最終決定權及擁有對任何信息的解釋權。

- The offers are subject to the terms and conditions. Zeekers Danz reserves the right to the final decision in case of any disputes. Zeekers Danz has the right to interpretation of any information.

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