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Zeekers Danz 將於8/5/2020(Fri)重開

政府已公佈七類處所(包括:健身中心)8/5/2020可有條件地重開。必須為客人量體溫,亦要提供酒精搓手液,各類處所亦個別限制措施。Zeekers亦會因應最新情況而作出最快的安排。 · Zeekers Danz 將於8/5/2020(Fri)重開,亦特別加強清潔及安排以下措施,以減低病毒傳播之風險: 1. 限制上課人數,課堂人數連導師共8人, 保持安全社交距離,敬請各位預約課堂 2. 加強課堂之間消毒清潔studio 3. 學員必須接受免觸式體溫檢測、清洗雙手及使用酒精搓手液消毒方可進入課室,請各位提前至少10分鐘到Zeekers 4. 同學到Zeekers需帶上口罩及保持人與人之間距離 5. 如有咳嗽、發燒或短期內曾到外地之人士,請避免到 Zeekers 上課,以免因人多活動構成交义感染,以策安全 6. 用過的紙巾及口罩請妥善處理才放入垃圾桶並蓋上蓋子 為人為己,請保持個人衛生良好習慣及地方清潔,切勿掉以輕心!如有個別人士不配合上述安排,Zeekers有權拒絕該學員到校內上課,以保障場內其他學員! Zeekers 希望可以提供一個令大家舒適及安心地方上課,確實需要及有賴每一位配合。大家千萬不要鬆懈,記住做好每一步😉 謝謝合作🙏🏼 Thank you😊 (有效期為2020年5月8日至5月21日) · ‼ Announcement ‼ . Zeekers Danz will resume dance classes from 8.5.2020(Fri), comply with epidemic prevention conditions, we will have the following arrangement, please noted and thanks for your cooperation. Measures on the Prevention of Novel Coronavirus in Studio Dear Zeekers, In light of the latest situation of the novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection in Wuhan of Hubei Province and the Winter Influenza, we are concerned about the health of teachers and students. In gist,teachers and students should adopt the following measures: 1. Limit the number of people in class, maximum 8 people per lesson (including dance tutor), maintain a safe social distance, please kindly reserve your lessons 2.Strengthen disinfection and cleaning between lessons 3. All students must take a temperature check and disinfect their hands before entering the studio. Please come to Zeekers at least 10 minutes before class start. 4. Please wear a surgical mask if you have minor discomfort. 5. If you have a persistent cough or have been to Mainland China in the past 14 days, for your own and others safety, please consider to avoid joining class at the moment. 6. Everybody should maintain the environmental hygiene and clean their premises thoroughly. Thank you for your co-operation! (with effect from 8 to 21 May 2020)

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