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Zeekers Junior Terms & Conditions 條款及細則

- 本公司接受現金、銀行轉賬、FPS、信用咭、拍住賞、支付寶、微信支付、八達通 & PAYME(HKD$100以上可用)付款,請於上堂前繳付學費;已繳費用除因課程取消外,概不退還。

Zeekers Danz Production receives payment by cash, ATM, FPS, Credit Card、Tap & Go、Alipay、WeChat、Octopus & PAYME(HKD$100 or Above). Payment should be made before lessons; instead of canceling the course, the fee will not be returned.

- Zeekers Junior C4 / C8 (即4堂/ 8堂)課程有效期是由第一堂開始起連續4星期 / 8星期。每個課程只可以請假一次,補堂為順延一星期。 
Zeekers Junior C4 / C8 (4 lessons / 8 lessons) courses valid date start from the first class and count for 4 consecutive weeks / 8 weeks. Each course can only request one leave, and the make-up class will be postponed for one week.

- 學員已報名之課程不能更改或取消
  Enrolled courses can not be changed or canceled.

- 學生証不能轉讓,只有報名者才可上堂。上課前請出示學生証,以便檢查及紀錄,職員有權拒絕未能出示學生證之人仕進入課室。學生証如有遺失須繳付$ 20補領
  Students’ courses cannot be transferred to others; please bring and show your membership card to our staff before lessons. HKD$20 administration will be caused for membership card replacement.

- 本公司有權更改課程,上課時間,導師及學費,而不作另行通知
  Zeekers Danz Production has the right to change or update the type of dance style, schedule, dance tutors and the fee without any notice.

- 本公司有權取消報名人數未乎理想之課程,如取消課程會於最小兩小時前通知
Zeekers Danz Production has to right to cancel the class if there is not enough booking; notice is issued 2 hours in advance.

- 進行課堂時,學員如有不適,請通知在導師或職員
During the lesson, please notify the tutor or the staff if you do not feel well.

- 若不遵照導師之指示及學員之疏忽或體能欠佳,而引致在上課期如有任何意外及傷亡,本公司不負責

Please follow the dance tutor's instructions. Zeekers Danz Production will not be responsible for accidents caused by students’  careless or personal medical problems.

- 當天文台在上課時間或上課時間前兩小時發出黑色暴雨警告,八號颱風訊號,課程將會取消,學生無須上課
When Typhoon Signal 8 or above, Black Rain Storm Signal appears before 2 hours of the class; the class will be canceled.

- 請小心保管個人財物,本公司將不負責任何財物之損失
Please take care of your personal belongings, and we will not be responsible for any loss or damage to your personal property.

- 舞蹈室內嚴禁進食
Eating is not allowed in the dancing area.

- 課堂/課程需在購買後一個月內開始使用,如客戶購買課堂/課程後一直未有啓用,課堂/課程開始日期將於購買日起計一個月後自動開始起計, 有效日期亦會根據所購之課堂/課程計算, 逾期作廢
All courses should activate within one month from the date of payment.

- 學生在本中心上課或參與演出之照片將定期上傳至本中心網絡或作宣傳用途 
Zeekers Danz Production can take photos or videos for promotion use.



In case of disputes, Zeekers Danz reserves the rights of the final decision, including suspending, terminating, or changing details of The Activity and its terms and conditions without prior notice.

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